Monday, June 18, 2007

The Ballad of Protection and Light

I have always had a fascination with the paladin class and even though I played one to 60 at one point, I didn't really dedicate enough of my time to him. Because of a string of bad events including running around in cloth gear, raiding disputes, guilds disbanding, getting hacked, having your character deleted, a self-destroying server all accumulated into one big pile of mush that threw me away from my paladin. Late into the night, standing behind 39 people throwing flash of light everywhere and then getting dominated by the honor farming Horde warlord teams that plagued the malfurion server at the time simply threw me off. Leveled retribution, ardently healed as holy, deleted naked. That was the path of Laiser ( or pewpewpew as Sissy, the MT of my guild, came to call me). Too bad that Laiser didn't get much of a chance to pewpewpew once he was at 60. Ever since I rerolled various classes, including hunter, shaman, rogue and most recently mage. But these never clicked onto me. And even though pumping 6k damage into a healer in arenas with a shatter bomb on my frost mage sure has its adrenaline rush, there is always something missing. Especially on a server like Darrowmere (4th SMALLEST in US), there are always spots that need to be filled in raids, heroics etc but cannot. I always wanted to DPS, everybody does. But I also wanted to tank for those occasions when theres no tank...and you always have the rush to heal, because even though its the most unappreciate role in WoW, it is by far the most important.

This is where the paladin comes in, light resurrected. They heal, they tank, they dps. They have nifty tricks that will make the other side hate you and your friends love you. Its the easiest class to suck with and its the most fascinating to master. So, finally, after getting irritated with impatient raiders and guild disputes, as well as dealing with personal issues, I finally decided to reroll permanently on a paladin. Well, two paladins actually...the other will be my girlfriend :)
I'll take the spot of protection, defending the group with massive aoe tanking. She'll take the role of holy light, saving the group with best single target healing in the game.

Welcome...Sunstriker (and soon coming Duskshadow)

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